Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Unit 1 Math Test

This Friday students will take the Unit 1 summative math assessment. The test will cover the topics listed below. The students have been working hard since the beginning of the year and are ready to show all they've learned!

1. Evaluate expressions with grouping symbols.

2. Write expressions to model situations.

3. Find the area of a rectangle with one fractional side length.J1

4. Identify objects with volume.J1

5. Use cubes to find volume.1

6. Use formulas to find volume.1

7. Find the volume of a figure made of rectangular prisms.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

It's time for Open House! 
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 21st
Malletts Bay School

Open House is an informal opportunity to meet your child's teacher, see your child's learning environment and get an idea about some of the topics and projects the class will be working on this year. Your child's teacher will be happy to meet with you at another time in a private setting for updates on your child's progress or to discuss any concerns you may have.

Unified Arts teachers will be in their classrooms. Stop in to see what they've got planned this year.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Slide Show

The students are working on creating a Google Slide Show about themselves.  I have asked them to choose a few pictures that represent who they are and email them to their google email address
(first name.lastname@colchestersd.org) or just put them in their Drive.  Many of you have already done this.  Thank you!  I'm asking them to send no more than five pictures. They will be presenting their slide show to the class next week. They will also be showing them to you at Open House on Thursday night.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017

Homework Expectations

  • Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. However weekend homework may include finishing up unfinished class work.
  • Reading: Students will be expected to read a minimum of four nights per week for 30 minutes per night (or two hour per week). They will be given a Reading Log each Friday. Each evening they read, they should record the book title, how many pages they read, and how many minutes they read. The Reading Logs are due on Fridays.
  • A variety of genres is encouraged.
  • Quality books make it possible to practice strategies used in school.
  • Reading goal: six books per 12 week trimester (average book=150 pages)
  • Math will be given individually each day. It is meant to practice and reinforce the day’s lesson. If you find your child is struggling with it, he or she should stop and jot me a quick note on the sheet to let me know. Incomplete is fine if it is not understood. We will spend time on it together the next day. I don’t want there to be struggles at home!  Math computation and fact practice will also be a part of a student’s homework if necessary.
  • Spelling will be done in class, however extra practice is available on Spelling City.
  • Social Studies, Science, and Writing homework will be assigned occasionally, and may include unfinished class work.
  • Homework should take about 50 minutes per night. Students missing class work will have more.
  • If your child is struggling with an assignment, they should stop before getting too frustrated, and jot me a quick note. I will provide help the next day.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at susanne.digrande@colchestersd.org

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Our First Week

Here is a peek into our first few weeks of school!

                                         Find Someone Who game:

                                           The human knot:

                                         The Gates Test:

                                         Everyday Math games:

                Decorating our Writer's Notebooks:

                                        The Marshmallow Challenge:

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Welcome Letter

September 3, 2017

Hello 5th grade families!

We are off and running!  I would like to update you on some of the things we have been doing this week. I plan to post updates (and lots of pictures) at least once per week. Please get in the habit of checking this blog on a regular basis.
This week we have spent time learning and creating classroom and school behavior expectations.  The school’s behavior plan is called PBIS (positive behavior intervention support). Ask your student about the ‘chips’ and the ‘fishbowl’ in the classroom. We have been building our classroom community by playing some fun games outside, and doing some problem solving activities inside the classroom. Ask your child about our hoola hoop challenge, the ball toss, and whether or not we could line up by first name (on the first day of school!) without speaking.
You have probably heard your child telling you about all the assessments we have been doing.  In order to better know each student and plan for instruction, it is important for me to know where they are when they enter the 5th grade.  We have done the Everyday Math pre assessment, the GATES test which is assessing vocabulary and comprehension, and a spelling inventory. Next week the students will complete a writing pre assessment and a math computation pre assessment.
In reading each student is reading a ‘just right’ self selected book. We also began our first read aloud,Wonder by RJ Palacio. The students are really enjoying it, and it has led to some great classroom discussions.
In math, in addition to the assessments, we did a fun activity where we introduced ourselves with numbers! It will be on display in the classroom.  We also began the Everyday Math program. Please take a look at the EDM newsletter that came home on Friday.
On Friday afternoon we gathered together with the other three Lighthouse 5th grade classrooms. Ms. Boucher taught us how to use Tinkercad to create 3D digital designs. We will use the 3D printer to print them out next week.
A lot of important information from both the school and the classroom will be going home each Friday in your child’s Home Folder. It’s important that you check for this each Friday. In addition, the students will be using their Home Folders to bring home any homework each afternoon. I will post information about homework expectation sometime next week.
I look forward to getting to know all of you throughout the year.  Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns (susanne.digrande@colchestersd.org).
Your children are wonderful! Have a great weekend!

Suki DiGrande