Saturday, September 7, 2019

Beginning of the Year Math Updates

We’re off to a great start in math!  

Unit 1 introduces reading, interpreting, and analyzing data. 
Throughout Unit 1, students think critically about representations of real-world data. Students consider the following questions:
*What is the purpose of the graph or table? Can the display be improved for clarity?
*Does the display seem accurate, or is it biased?
*Where is the center of the data and how is the data distributed?
*Can you draw conclusions or make predictions based on the data display?
A typical schedule for math class may be as follows:

  1. Do Now: This is an activity students work on as soon as they enter the classroom while everyone is getting settled. Typically lasts about 5 minutes.
  2. Mental Math: practice of mental math strategies (5 minutes)
  3. Math Message: Introduction to skills for the day’s lesson (10 minutes)
  4. Main Lesson: 20-30 minutes
  5. Small group or independent work: journal pages or skill sheets that practice the daily skills. (20-30 minutes)
  6. Menu Time: 20 minutes of content related choice time. May include extra practice or support with an adult, or enrichment options.
  7. Exit Ticket: One or two problems to check comprehension of what was learned in class (5 minutes)
  8. Homework assigned (three to four times per week)

The students will have access to Everyday Math Online at school and at home. It is a great resource with access to the Student Reference Book and tutorials, for support at home, as well as content related games, and links to the Home Links. Their username and password is as follows: username: CSD2019lastnamefirstinitial password: abc123
I’ve included a few pictures from this week in math class.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Welcome Team Juniper

Welcome CMS Team Juniper families!

We have had a great first few days of school!

We have been spending a lot of time getting to know each other and the norms of the middle school. We have also been going over individual schedules, and getting to know our way around the school. We have spent a lot time practicing our locker combinations.

This is a big transition and there is a lot of new information on these first few days. Please feel free to let me or Ms. Evelyn know if you have any questions or concerns. Email is the best way to reach us. We check it regularly!

Please remember a water bottle each day as it is still quite warm!

We're really looking forward to a great year!